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What Is Virtual Assistance? net...common goals...incredible resources...long term relationship

Commitment . . . team work
Virtual assistance is about me committing to provide a small, select group of clients with incredible support using all the resources that I have available. It’s about creating a team of the client and I that is constantly forward-looking, proactive and passionate in it’s approach to achieving the professional and personal goals of the client.

Safety net
Those clients that I choose to work with find that I focus on becoming their second set of hands and eyes and, over time, they discover that they have their life back. They feel more in control of their day and find that they actually have time to enjoy a quiet moment. The fact that we may be miles apart becomes inconsequential.

Common goals
After working together in that relationship, one client compared it to working with Radar, from the TV series M*A*S*H. (Remember how Radar was often one-step ahead of the Colonel’s request?) The professional and personal relationship that I have with my clients focuses on providing them with the best support, encouragement, feedback and value that I can possibly provide. We become a true team striving toward a common goal - the client’s success!

Stacy Brice, President of AssistU (the premier training program for VA’s) says, "It’s especially powerful for the person being assisted, because in giving work away that doesn’t genuinely need his or her attention, the home office operator gains space in his/her life for an abundance of other things."

Incredible resources . . . long term relationship
But what can a VA do? Just about anything that you need me to do and, if I can’t do it myself, I can help you find someone that can. I have an abundance of incredible resources. But where I really add value is in my commitment to you and your success. By limiting the number of clients I interact with and working with those clients in long term relationships, I can focus on responding quickly and powerfully to their needs because I understand their business. I’m able to keep my clients in mind at all times and respond proactively when new information becomes available.

If you’d like to learn more about working with a virtual assistant, please feel to drop me an email at or call me at 620/662-0903. I’m more than happy to chat with you. You may also visit, where you can find the finest virtual assistants in the world!

"To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity." - Donald A Adams

Copyright 2004-2011 Myra Kitson